War and all the tragic consequences that follow with it rattles many countries in Africa since several decades, therefore the All African Baptist Youth Federation offers every year a conference regarding the issue of peace.
This year the theme will be: “Seek peace and pursue it”
All Africa Baptist Youth Peace Conference:Where? FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONEWhen? 11-15 NOVEMBER 2009Registration Fees: $100 USD includes room (double occupancy), meals, program costs, and other expenses**Registration Deadline: 30th September, 2009 After Sept 31, 2009 $120 USD**Questions to: aabyf2006@yahoo.com
You can read an article about last years AABYF Peace Conference in Ghana:
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Annual BCSA Assembly 2009
Every year the BCSA meets to fellowship, discuss and listen to how God worked among us in the past year. Furthermore do we dream and decide together on where to go next. As the BCYD is a part of the BCSA we want to encourage young people to come to this event. We will have a youth meeting & workshops as well.
BCSA Assembly 2009
Where? Mafikeng, International School of South Africa
When? 11-15 December
Registration Fees:
Option 1: Full registration; all inclusive (4 nights accommodation, all meals, banquet, and assembly fee for materials) is R1400.00
Option 2: Full registration (all meals included) without accommodation is R1000.00
Option 3: Full registration without meals and accommodation is R400.00
Option 4: Day visit with assembly material and meals is R260.00. NB. This is for one day only.
Option 5: Sunday attendance with lunch only – R60.00
NB. The closing date for registration is 31st October 2009.
Banking details: ABSA Bank; Account name is Baptist Convention; Account number: 4046466769.
Questions to: baptistconvention@telkomsa.net
You can as well register on: http://www.bcsa.co.za/