Tuesday, November 30, 2010

GroundBreakers Tick - Tock

It is evident that the GroundBreakers are not using the Benjamin Button's anti-clockwise watch, as we are few hours from the cut-off date of our R650 camp registration fee, as from the 1st of December 2010 our Camp registration fee will be R700, much to the delight of our Treasurer General.

We thank God for those who already paid for the camp, word on the street is that some BCYD young people took the GroundBreaking message to the extreme as they will be GroundBreaking even as far as hairstyles are concerned, im not mentioning names as BCYD cant endure a lawsuit, but seeing the National President (Elias) with a "Mo-hawk" might create enough amusement for the camp.

Look out for our 27 days COUNT DOWN starting from the 1st of December 2010.

GroundBreakers...Our Portion...GroundBreakers...in our Generation!!!

Feathered from the Holy Ink!!!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


We are two weeks away from the cut off date for paying the camp's registration fee of R650, from the 1st of December 2010, camp Registration fee will be R700.

The BCYD NEC (National Committee & Regional leaders) will be on the 20th of November 2010 to finalise camp preparations, if you are having any concerns or suggestions, please pass it to your regional leader who will bring it to the NEC.

GroundBreakers "Prepare Ye the Way" for the Lord

Below is our Bank details where you can deposit your registration fees:

Name: Baptist Convention Youth
Bank: ABSA
Acc: 9160970954
Branch code: 632005
Ref: Church name - Camp

GroundBreakers...Our Portion...GroundBreakers...in our Generation!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


28 is not only the number of Expecting New Beginnings(20= Expectancy + 8 =New Beginnings),but also talks about the number of days left before the cut off date of our R650 Camp registration fee.

From the 1st of December 2010, the camp registration fee will be R700.

The heavens have conspired & are raring for staging this Divine Appointment,from Harare,Gweru,Bulawayo,Great North,Capricorn,Central Gauteng,Southern Gauteng,North West,Free State,Northern Cape, Eastern Cape & Western Cape,

There are Trumpets which are being blown in the Spirit for the gathering of sons & daughters at the rising of the sun,Mpumalanga,the place of Glory

GroundBreakers..Our portion...GroundBreakers in our Generation

Feathered from the Holy Ink!!!!!!