Thursday, June 10, 2010

The one word that can describe what is going on in our country at this hour is “Patriosm”, which means love & devotion/loyalty to one’s country, the word comes from Greek “Patris”, which means fatherland.

Our main prayer item is not that Bafana Bafana win tomorrow (11th of June 2010), but that we maintain the very same spiritual covering the Lord has bestowed on us for this time in memorial, that our shores may not be polluted by unfamiliar spirits & that we be the greatest hosts of the world. No chancers will manipulate this opportunity to their advantage.

May this event serve as a shadow of what is to come spiritually for us South Africans, that we will be a spiritual hub for nations, a Bethesda for the world.

As for tomorrow’s opening game, all we can say is : “The race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, because ALL are awarded the same chance/time”, as during the time of Nehemiah, we shall hold a Bible in one hand & a vuvuzela in the other hand while saying “HO JEWA BATHO”

Watch & Pray…Phillip…he is here!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

BCYD touching the sky..ijo.. jo… jo..Watch & Pray!

Dear Bretheren, please join us in person (if possible) or in spirit as we bid Metse & Safira farewell tonight, the duo who have recently bonded like Alexandra & dust(pun intended), will be jetting out of the country tonight enroute Germany to attend the German Baptist Union 2010 BUJU (Youth camp).

Of interest tonight will be what kind of Skhafthini will the Pedi boy & the Ndebele girl be carrying (someone should have alerted that their air tickets include meals), eish I envy them now.

Well as the BCYD committee on behalf of our youth nationally, will like to wish the pair a spiritual fun-filled, networking & learning experience in Germany and that may they represent our department & country well in Europe.

We will like to urge those who have their contacts to send them farewell messages (since the thought of boarding a plane might give one stomach cramps…LOL, God forbid)

Our next stop: Mpumalanga on the 18th of June, regional rally!!!!!!!!!!!!