Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter 2012!!! The reason why we live...

Dear Groundbreakers! 

It is this time of the year again, were millions and millions of Christians gather around as a global family to celebrate the most significant sacrifice in the histrory of the world. 

The reason why we live, are able to celebrate freedom of sin, absolute peace with God and eternal life!

On the coming weekend we remind ourselves and the communities we life in about Christ's suffering, death and most importantly His resurrection as He overcame death!

May you have a wonderful Easter Celebration!



Below you can read an inspiring Easter-message from BWA:

Bowed down: Lifted up!

The Cross of Jesus stands on the hill of Golgotha. What a study in paradox!

It is a picture of utter powerlessness. The man who hangs on the cross has fed the hungry, healed the sick, raised the dead. Now, he is on a cross, dying in shame, condemned by the authorities who exact the maximum punishment for crimes against the state. What a sad story! What a pitiful sight!

Yet, the picture of the man hanging on Golgotha's hill is also a study in victory. The gruesome death of that man at Calvary is preceded by a terrible travesty of justice. The suffering of the innocent man is not the result of any sin he has committed, but of our sins - yours and mine! And on the cross, the Father exalted him so that, victorious, he may draw all human beings to the Godhead.

Oh the majestic power of powerlessness! The Son of God, battered, bruised and broken, stands with outstretched arms to embrace every single person who is captive to sin! The sin of the whole world is in his hands! And he reaches out to offer us a word of forgiveness and to show us how to experience victory in the midst of our powerlessness.

It should surprise no one that the cruel death by crucifixion of the Anointed One was followed by the miracle of the resurrection. What once appeared as an unquestionable sign of failure is indeed a clear pointer to the triumph of obedient faith. It is through powerlessness that divine power shines brightly. Divine victory often appears robed in the rags of powerlessness. If we wait to understand it, we soon see its beauty, its worth, its majesty and its greatness.

May we spend ourselves in the service of Christ, valuing self-denial, daily taking up our cross, and following Christ. Joy will mark our times of hardship and, in the end, we enter into unspeakable peace!

Neville Callam
General Secretary
Baptist World Alliance  

Language translations of this message can be downloaded at