Monday, October 12, 2009

To the highly favored youth with a different spirit

We are humbled by your love and commitment to the Baptist Convention Youth Department, you rock this boat with distinct colours.

To those who are studying, we would like to speak the grace of our Lord upon you towards your final examinations, as you remembered the Lord throughout the year, may he cause you to remember all that you studied throughout the year and we speak health to your bodies and a peace of mind because you are highly favored by Jesus Christ.

To the working class, may you continue to represent Christ in your working environment and prophecy in the market place, knowing that "he who is faithful with the little things, even more will be added unto him".

To those seeking employment, those contemplating to study and ambitious entrepreneurs, Ecclesiastes 11:6 says "Sow your seed in the morning and in the evening, for you do not know which one will prosper", so continue knocking on all doors available to you, for you do not know which one will prosper you.

Lastly we believe that all are ready for our different regional summer camps, we can't wait to see you at the camps.

May we continue to seek His face and he will grant our heart's desires.

Your BCYD National Committee

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