Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dig Deeper - BCYD Summit 2012

Dear Groundbreakers,
Last weekend (11-13 May 2012) seventy local, regional and national youth leaders from seven different regions (Capricorn, Central, South Gauteng, North West, Great North, Mpumalanga) met to reflect, discuss, plan and decided on several youth ministry issues concerning the BCYD.
Together we laughed, cried, prayed, sang, worshipped, learned, listened, and talked through the nights. Special guests among us this year were the BCSA General Secretary Chris Dikana together with the Missions Director of the BCSA, Dan Pratt from the BCC, and our international guests Kristina Hasenpusch and Maike Telkamp.
Fist and foremost we want to thank God for giving us the freedom and opportunity to join him in building his Kindgdom on earth as it is in heaven. We as well want to thank those who helped to make the event a success, participated at the summit, or prayed for the meetings on our behalf.
Faithfully your BCYD 
 Here two quick notes:
Very significant was the adoption of our new BCYD constitution. In the words of our current BCYD President Nathi Mothibi: After so many years of work initiated by the likes of Barnabas Masekwameng and Mohau Molefe back 2001 has now finally paid off. Its gives me great pleasure to announce that during our 2012 summit the BCYD Constitution was adopted by the summit. Would like to thank the Legal team for the job well done on the document and the contributions of our great and decisive leader. #Dig Deeper#
As well as a "word of thanks" from our current BCYD General Secretary Sipho Mngomezulu: Thanks to everyone who participated in the BCYD Leadership Summit. We believe that important ideas and some practical actions were discussed and hatched. It was great to see everyone who turned out; there were so many leaders in the house. Special thanks to our international guests from Germany, the BCSA GS and Missions Director, the legal board and the YAF Consultant. Not forgetting our former President His Excellency Elias Makuwa. We are very proud and honoured to work with you all.
Below you can find some more pictures:

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